• rkmaapvtiti@gmail.com
  • +917585874749 / ,+91095316 06086



COPA full form or meaning is Computer operator and programming assistant. COPA ITI is a basic computer training course, which aims to impart technical knowledge to a large number of people. Under this, computer knowledge is given to the youth who have passed class X. The structure of this trade has been designed in such a way that a student who passes tenth can start this course without any prior computer knowledge.  During this 1 year, students are taught how to operate a computer, how the Internet works, or how to work on the Internet, how to do data entry, etc. After doing this course, it becomes easy for a student to get a job.

Who should join this course?

Students who have an interest in the computer-related course, and who enjoy working on the computer, who enjoy learning about computer, those students should do this course

Together, students who want to take such a course in a short time and at a low fee, in which a good job and good future are guaranteed, then those students should also do this course.

What do students learn during this course?

Students learn a lot of basic but important topics related to computers during the Copa ITI course.


If a student wants to do ITI Copa course, then it is necessary to pass his tenth. It is also necessary to have Mathematics and Science paper in class X.The student must be over 14 years of age and below 40 years.


Min. Qualification




Session Start Date


Session End Date
